Post with smaller and scaled images
/This is a blog post with images in it.
Here is an example which shows what happens when you use smaller images.
The image that appears below the block of text has been uploaded as a full-width block, but the file itself is smaller than the width of the page:
The width of this image is smaller than the width of the page
As you can see (if you're on a desktop computer), Squarespace does not try to stretch those images to fill the space. Instead, it leaves the image alone and lets it sit within the page, but it does not wrap the text around it. If you're viewing on a tablet or phone, the image is automatically scaled by Squarespace, to the best size according to your template.
If you want to wrap the text around the image, you can do that. You just need to drag the image to the place you want it within the block of text, and you will see a tinted box showing. When you see that, you let go and the text will wrap. You can see that on an earlier post. For now, here is the image just sitting within the page.
Now, let's talk about the different ways of reducing the size of images in posts.
This image is sitting within the body text, with the text wrapped around it.
You can do this easily in Squarespace, just by adding the image block, and then dragging it onto the text block until you see a tinted box, and then you drop it.
You can also make the image smaller by first clicking on the image block, and then dragging on the left side of the image block border, which will scale the image block down, and subsequently scale down the image (which is sitting inside the block "container").
If you want to, you can also crop the image, too. You can do that by dragging the bottom of the image block, where the little grey circle appears. Instead of scaling the image block, that will actually reduce the height of the image block. This will therefore crop off the top and bottom of the image.
Image cropped
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Etiam mattis tortor at porttitor finibus. Sed quis ipsum congue, commodo neque nec, gravida odio. Maecenas pulvinar cursus mauris, non mollis tellus aliquam ac. Morbi vel arcu vitae nunc ultricies consequat. Cras nulla ipsum, auctor sed sollicitudin non, volutpat ut lectus. Morbi lobortis justo at orci consequat bibendum et sed orci. Maecenas pretium mollis pretium. Morbi vel tincidunt sem. Curabitur tincidunt porttitor urna id pellentesque. Sed quis maximus metus. Aenean lorem dui, tempus ac dui ornare, placerat faucibus tellus. Morbi luctus iaculis arcu, a imperdiet felis consequat eu. Quisque ullamcorper faucibus purus, in ullamcorper nibh interdum lacinia. Curabitur in feugiat tellus.
Nam tellus lorem, placerat vitae risus id, mollis iaculis urna. Proin sed metus faucibus, ultrices erat eu, efficitur elit. Nulla in aliquam turpis, eget vulputate lorem. Fusce suscipit lorem nec sem ultrices, ut commodo justo gravida. Nunc tincidunt metus ac scelerisque condimentum. Proin sit amet tincidunt ex. Quisque nec placerat urna. Nulla ultrices lectus vel posuere imperdiet. Nam velit tellus, consectetur sit amet libero vitae, commodo mollis metus.