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Happy Pills
Happy Pills
Feeling low? Take a happy pill and live in pure ignorant bliss!
When life brings you down, pop a pill and forget your worries.
1 bottle contains 70 Happy Pills.
This product shows you how you can use the Additional Info field for fine print and other important information that you may not want to put in the product description area.
WARNING: Not suitable for children under the age of 16. Pregnant or lactating women may experience limited happiness, especially in later stages of pregnancy while on public transport during summer.
Happy Pills should not be taken when experiencing normal happiness, or else ecstatic euphoria may be experienced. In case of ecstatic euphoria, do not induce vomiting: sit comfortably and enjoy the ride.
Happy Pills are not clinically proven to cause happiness, because this is a made-up product. Do not purchase this product if you are not clever enough to understand that. Happy Pills will not enhance mental abilities, though they may make you stop caring about whether you are brainy or not, and they will very likely stop you from needlessly comparing your own life and achievements to others.
Your mileage may vary.